Are you ready to feel calm, confident and equipped to handle your toddler's tantrums? 


What if you had the exact tools and techniques that could minimise tantrums into a RARE occurrence versus a daily event? 


Right now, you may be feeling really helpless with your toddler's tantrums. You want to do your best for them and support their emotional development, but it feels like no matter what you do, they melt down over every little thing.

  • Your toddler whines and cries because they dropped their banana on the floor
  • They meltdown, screaming "That's my toy" and hit their sibling because they want the toy their sibling is playing with—even though they hadn't looked at that toy until their sibling picked it up. 
  • They pitch a fit in the middle of the grocery store because they want the candy positioned in the checkout aisle. 
  • They cry, scream, hit, or kick when they don't get their own way.
  • And all of this leaves you feeling exhausted and unsure of how to help.


You're committed to being a gentle and respectful parent and it feels like you've already tried everything...

  • You've tried talking and reasoning with your child. But instead of calming down, their screams only seem to get louder, and their frustration more intense.
  • You've suggested alternatives when your child wants something they can't have. "How about we play with this toy instead?" or "Let's go read a book together." But more often than not, the tantrum continues or if it does stop, another tantrum pops up 20 minute later.
  • In moments of distress, you've opened your arms to offer comfort, but your child pushes you away or even lashes out, hitting or kicking you. You're left feeling helpless and unsure of what to do next.
  • After exhausting all other options and seeing no improvement, your patience wears thin. In a moment of frustration, you raise your voice, demanding that your child stop their behaviour immediately. As soon as the words leave your mouth, you feel a pang of regret, knowing this isn't the kind of parent you strive to be.
  • You've resorted to using time-outs, but they just seem to escalate the situation. You place your child in a designated spot to calm down, but they scream, cry, and resist staying there, making the situation even more stressful for both of you.


Here's the thing: when you know how to handle your toddler's tantrums effectively, you will not only diffuse them in the moment but prevent them from happening in the first place, bringing more peace to your day-to-day life.


Now you may be thinking, “This sounds amazing, but right now everything is a fight: mealtime, bathtime, bedtime, potty time—the whole shabang.” 😵‍💫


✔️ You wish someone would just tell you what to say and how to say it.

✔️ You are tired of resorting to yelling, counting down from three, and feeling like you’re doing it all wrong.

✔️ You already know that old-school discipline is not for you; it leaves you feeling sick to your stomach and guilty for days.

✔️ You already know that you want to parent in a way that not only works but feels good too.


When you know exactly what to say and do during a toddler tantrum, not only can you significantly shorten the tantrum in the moment, but you're also building a more positive relationship with your toddler.

The added bonus? Every time you implement this new way of handling tantrums, you prevent future misbehaviour and future tantrums, which means tantrums continue to be reduced every single day.


If everything you've read so far is resonating, you are in the right place. No matter what you’ve felt up until now, I can one hundred per cent without a doubt help you reduce tantrums in your household.

I have worked with dozens of parents, helping them transform their homes from constant chaos to rare tantrums.

For the past six years, I’ve been teaching Peaceful Parenting, working with parents of 1-7 year-olds from all kinds of backgrounds. Regardless of your situation or how much you feel like you might be the exception, I promise you’re not. Together, we can make positive changes from day one.


Five weeks from now, your household could be totally transformed:

💗 You’ve become the calm, confident parent who manages tantrums with ease. Your newfound ability to handle tantrums effortlessly not only dramatically reduces their frequency and intensity but also deepens your connection with your child.

💗 Your approach to tantrums makes your child feel deeply secure and emotionally supported, empowering them to learn how to manage their behaviour independently. This approach nurtures their emotional development and sets them on a path to greater self-regulation and resilience.

💗 Tantrums are no longer a disruptive daily challenge but are transformed into rare, manageable events. Your family enjoys a calm and predictable environment where tantrums are the exception, not the rule, leading to a more peaceful and enjoyable daily life.

💗 You are a more present, joyful, and peaceful parent, fully engaged with your child and free from the constant stress of managing emotional outbursts. Your enhanced emotional well-being and the reduction in daily conflicts mean you can enjoy quality time together, like playing, reading, or simply being present without the cloud of tantrums hanging over you.


The Roadmap to Get You There...

Equip yourself with practical tools and strategies to understand, manage, and prevent tantrums, ultimately leading to a more peaceful and harmonious home.

If this is a hell yes, you’re in the right place!


Have a glimpse of what awaits you…..


Understand your toddler's behaviour; understand the underlying causes of tantrums and learn techniques that address these root issues rather than just temporarily soothing the symptoms.


Navigate tantrums; practical and proven techniques to handle tantrums when they occur. This includes knowing how to de-escalate the situation, manage your own emotions, and help your child calm down.


Know exactly what to say and do after a tantrum to cultivate a harmonious and loving relationship with your child, where future tantrums are minimized, communication is open, and you both feel connected. 

What’s included?

✔️5 modules to master the art of navigating toddler tantrums with ease 

✔️Immediate access to modules and scripts to get you implementing right away 

✔️ Lifetime Access to the Recordings: Enjoy the convenience of revisiting and reinforcing what you've learned


Plus, these two brand new bonuses will be added to the Portal on August 7th: 

#1 CALM THE CHAOS: Strategies for Handling Public Tantrums - Learn effective techniques to quickly calm your toddler during public meltdowns—like in the middle of Coles—without resorting to bribing with chocolate. This video will provide you with practical strategies to manage tantrums with confidence, even in stressful situations.

#2 SCENARIOS AND SOLUTIONS:  Struggling with everyday tantrum triggers? This bonus provides practical, quick-to-implement tools for the 5 most common tantrum scenarios, so you can manage challenges like leaving the house, sibling fights, and more with ease. 


A LIVE Q & A SESSION: Join us on August 5th at 1 PM AWST for a live Q & A session where you can get personalized answers to your toughest questions. This interactive session provides you with tailored advice and support, ensuring you have the tools and confidence to handle tantrums effectively and enhance your parenting experience.


Oh did I mention there's an already stacked bonus vault to help you minimise tantrums?


  • BONUS #1 EMOTION CARDS FOR KIDS: Help your child identify and express their feelings more effectively. These visual aids will foster better communication, reducing frustration and tantrums by allowing your toddler to articulate their emotions before they escalate.
  • BONUS #2 TANTRUM TRIGGER KIT: Gain insight into the specific situations that trigger your child's tantrums. This kit helps you identify patterns and anticipate potential meltdowns, empowering you to proactively address and prevent them, leading to a calmer household.
  • BONUS #3 SELF-REGULATION IDEAS FOR KIDS: Teach your child strategies to manage their emotions in a fun and age-appropriate way. These self-regulation techniques teach your toddler how to calm themselves down, promoting independence and reducing the frequency and intensity of tantrums.
  • BONUS #4 MANTRAS FOR TANTRUMS:  Empower yourself with calming phrases to use during challenging moments. These mantras will help you stay centered and respond to tantrums with patience and understanding, fostering a more peaceful and supportive environment for your child.



Secure your spot now and to gain access to the LIVE Q&A on the 5th of August ⏰


(Click here for a 3-part payment plan)

What People Are Saying:

Jocelyn has helped our family immensely. We have a 2.5 year old son and recently welcomed our baby daughter so there have been some BIG feelings and BIG emotions in our house. It has provided us with insight as to why our son behaves and challenges us in certain ways. My husband and I now feel more confident in our parenting skills and approach when dealing with our sons BIG emotions.


"I was struggling with my toddler's big emotions and feeling like I was failing daily. I now feel empowered opposed to overwhelm when it come to tantrums, meltdowns and setting boundaries"


Being totally disconnected from my kids and not knowing how to deal with my eldest tantrums and big emotions, I reached "Jocelyn for help. In a month, I managed to shift my mindset around parenting and how to deal with my kids' challenging behaviours. Tantrums are almost gone and more happiness, joy and play is present in our day-to-day life."


$97.00 USD

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Jocelyn Green/Wildflower Parenting is the sole rightful owner of all content inside the Transforming Tantrums Bootcamp.

When you purchase this program, you are purchasing a non-transferable, non-exclusive right to access this information. You must not share this service or your login details with anyone else other than your spouse/parenting partner.  

As with any parenting advice, your results may vary and will be based on your individual capacity, past experiences, expertise and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. 


This is a five-week course  held in Kajabi. You will receive instant access when you join. 


There are no refunds given for this service.