Enrollment ends 6pm AWST on Wednesday, January 1, 2019












Parent calmly to raise happy, grounded & emotionally resilient little people


all without losing your sanity in the process.


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Maybe little you needed...

To feel heard, valued and understood


Maybe little you needed...

Empathy and compassion when you least seem to deserve it


Maybe little you needed...

Your parents guidance without shame, punishment or coercion


Maybe little you needed...

A safe place to share your big feelings without being dismissed or minimised


Maybe little you needed...

To know you were loved no matter what

You're here because you want more for your child than you had growing up...


You want to parent with more patience, empathy and understanding.
You want your child to feel secure, to listen to their inner voice and develop a strong sense of self.
But right now  you're stuck in the daily grind - dealing with those messy feelings and challenging behaviours that often TRIGGER you.
You already know that you want to move away from traditional styles of parenting but you get so overwhelmed in the moment you revert back to old patterns and you're left wondering "what the heck am I missing!"

You wish you had a roadmap, the one that tells you ‘HERE’S EXACTLY WHAT’S NEXT.'
That's when you realised sh*T! I didn't grow up with this way of parenting being mirrored to me and I don’t just magically have the tools to do it differently!

Inside Little People Big Love you'll learn to:

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Show up for yourself & meet your own needs proactively - minus the guilt

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Notice when you've been triggered & stop before you react at your kids

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Improve communication, connection & cooperation in your home

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Meet your child's emotions with clarity and confidence

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Calmly set limits and stick to them

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Teach your child coping skills and healthy ways to express their emotions

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...Instead of being the calm, confident parent you thought you’d be, most days look like this:


Your stress levels go through the roof when...

...your toddler pitches a fit in the middle of target because you said no to buying that new toy

... your 3 year old runs in the opposite direction when you tell them it’s time to go home from the park.

You feel frustrated when you child defies you, acts out or simply doesn't listen for the 100th time that day. 

Everything is a fight; getting dressed, brushing teeth, mealtimes, bedtimes the whole shabang!

All of it leaves you feeling stressed, overwhelmed and so far away from understanding what your toddler (or preschooler) actually needs from you.

The truth is nothing has gone wrong here, beautiful. It’s not your fault and I promise you’re not failing your kids.

You are lost in an overwhelming amount of conflicting advice that hasn't worked for you or your child.

You haven't yet discovered the trust-worthy, up-to-date, evidence-based parenting approach that will enable you to...

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Discipline effectively without the use of rewards, timeouts or punishments

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Stay calm and centered in the chaos, more of the time

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Let go of the mama guilt when things don't go the way you had planned 

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Set boundaries whilst staying in alignment with your parenting values  

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Build a close, connected relationship that will last throughout their childhood and into the teen years 

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Diffuse upset, tears and tantrums within minutes whilst teaching emotional regulation skills


The good news is, I’ve created the PERFECT solution to that problem….


Every family has their own unique challenges

Maybe your toddler doesn't listen so you're constantly nagging and negotiating 

Perhaps your relationship with your partner is under pressure because there is so much tension in the household

Maybe you compare yourself to other parents who seem have their sh*t together

All of this can leave us feeling defeated.

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...but things will improve on their own

This is the number one statement I hear from parents and I totally understand why, kids are chopping and changing all of the time.

One day your kid loves the colour purple and the next it's making them scream bloody murder. 

One day your child sleeps through the night and the next they aren't. 

One minute your child loves blueberry pancakes and the next it causes a meltdown. 

While kids grow out of putting everything in their mouth, that's not how learned behaviours work, which means your child won't outgrow a tantrum.

Children are like sponges, absorbing all the information around them, mirroring adults words and actions. 

Children learn what they live.




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For parents of 1-7 year olds who are dealing with the big feelings and tricky behaviours that naturally come with toddlerhood. Little People Big Love gives you everything you need to become a calm parent and raise happy kids!


Little People Big Love gives you an easy to follow framework that sets you up with the knowledge, tools and strategies to parent in a way that not only feels good but actually WORKS!


Plus you get the love and support you really need to implement it.


Here's what you get when you join:

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This is a self-paced program that dives into the three core pillars: calm, connect and coach. Inside you'll learn exactly how to keep calm, cool and collected whilst parenting through your child's big feelings and tricky behaviours. You'll find simple strategies for a happier home and more cooperative kids and become your child’s supportive guide and the cool, confident leader of your home.

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No matter how you prefer to learn, there is a support option for you every single week. 

  • WEEKLY PARENTING TIPS: Experience the power of our Weekly Parenting Tips, delivered conveniently through engaging video content in under 5 minutes. These concise and actionable tips are designed to provide you with practical guidance that you can implement immediately. 
  • FACEBOOK SUPPORT: unlock a world of weekly support! Get answers to your most pressing parenting questions in real time, right at your fingertips. I'm here to provide you with guidance and solutions.
  • MONTHLY Q&A CALLS: where you'll receive personalised and specific advice tailored to your unique parenting needs. Jocelyn will guide you through challenges, offer practical strategies, and provide targeted solutions to help you overcome hurdles and achieve your parenting goals.
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Belong to the most incredible & supportive community there is! Surround yourself with like-minded mama's who get it. You'll feel seen, heard and valued in this safe space.


Your LPBL portal dives into the three core pillars which are critical to raising emotionally happy and healthy kids who thrive in life... 

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In this module you'll learn exactly how to keep calm, cool and collected

You'll learn to:

  • Become more mindful and intentional, so that you can catch yourself before you REACT!
  • Uncover your 'hot buttons' and triggers to take back control of your reactivity 
  • Role model healthy emotional regulation to your kids  
  • Give your child empathy and compassion when they least seem to deserve it
  • Learn practical, proven self-help steps to help you drop the 'mum guilt' for good  
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Simple strategies for a happier home and more cooperative kids

You'll learn:

  • Practical tips and real-life examples on how to improve family relationships & dynamics
  • Power tools to increase listening and cooperation
  • How to end constant power struggles so that you can enjoy your kids again
  • Simple ways to send the powerful message of "I love you no matter what"
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Become your child’s supportive guide and the cool confident leader of your home

You'll learn:

  • To understand exactly what your child's needs when they're having a hard time
  • How to talk so your kids will listen and how to listen so your kids will talk
  • Effective discipline strategies that don't leave you feeling like a dictator or a doormat
  • Your road map for dealing with tantrums, tensions, and tears
  • Build a toolbox of coping strategies with your child so that they can better manage their big feelings
  • To improve the emotional climate of your home
  • How to resolve conflicts peacefully as a team 

Check out what Rebecca had to say about her experience inside Little People Big Love...






Are you ready to unlock a world of knowledge and inspiration? Introducing the extraordinary Guest Speaker Vault, a treasure trove of 12 captivating trainings, with even more added bi-monthly, to take your parenting to new heights!

Unlock 12 transformative workshops covering a range of topics: sleep, independent play, breaking cycles, healing past hurts, attachment play, and more. Plus, enjoy additional bi-monthly workshops hosted by a whole range guest experts. Elevate your journey to success today!

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Introducing the extraordinary bonus: Ages and Stages! Unlock a comprehensive collection of workshops specifically tailored for children aged 1-3, 3-6, and 6-9 years old. Gain immediate access to a wealth of knowledge and expert guidance through 12 meticulously crafted workshops, covering crucial developmental milestones and challenges for each age group.


But that's not all! We believe in continuously expanding your parenting toolkit. That's why we add additional workshops on a bi-monthly basis, ensuring you stay up to date with the latest research, insights, and practices. Stay ahead of the curve and empower yourself with new knowledge and approaches that evolve with your child's needs.

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  • Handling separation anxiety
  • Creating a "YES" space
  • How to get your toddler to help clean up
  • What to do when toddlers hit, kick, push or bite
  • Encouraging your toddler to listen 
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  • Transitioning into school
  • Managing screen time limits
  • Morning mayhem; getting out the door on time
  • Calming toolkit for kids
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  • How to handle disrespect, back talk & attitude
  • Chores & pocket money
  • Building your childs self-esteem
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The Little People Big Love membership is designed to give you everything you need to learn how to deal with the big feelings and tricky behaviours without getting TRIGGERED so that you can actually enjoy parenting your little people.

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"Little People Big Love came to me at a time when I was struggling with my toddlers big emotions, and feeling like I was failing daily. LPBL was so enlightening. I now feel empowered opposed to overwhelm when it come to tantrums, meltdowns and setting boundaries"


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"I’ve been trying to work on behaviour and my anger and triggers around the kids behaviour with my psychologist and this has been far more practical and has resulted in more positive change in 8 weeks than I’ve had through the psychology appointments. "


Join the Little People Big Love membership and become the calm, confident parent you always envisioned...


$199 (USUALLY $399)

You'll receive 12 months access to:

  • The complete Little People Big Love program with my three pillar approach: calm, connect & coach. Over 5 hours of video content. Plus workbook and printables.
  • Weekly parenting tips delivered via video in under five minutes 
  • Weekly Facebook support, get your questions answered in real time
  • Monthly group coaching calls where we can dive into your personal situations 
  • Access to the private Facebook group for like-minded community support  
  • #1 Ages and Stages: immediate access to 12 video trainings. Plus, new trainings added on a bi-monthly basis

  • #2 Guest Expert Speaker Vault: Unlock 12 transformative workshops covering topics such as sleep, independent play, breaking cycles, healing past hurts, attachment play, and more. Plus, new guest speaker workshops added on a bi-monthly basis.

  •  #3 SESSIONS An exclusive collection of ten recorded 1:1 coaching sessions with parents. These sessions cover a diverse range of parenting topics, providing you with valuable insights and practical strategies.

  • Membership will roll over annually so that you can lock in the current rates 
  • The Q&A calls are all recorded and uploaded so that you can watch at a time convenient to you


$77 (USUALLY $99)

You'll receive 3 months access to:

  • The complete Little People Big Love program with my three pillar approach: calm, connect & coach. Over 5 hours of video content. Plus workbook and printables.
  • Weekly parenting tips delivered via video in under five minutes 
  • Weekly Facebook support, get your questions answered in real time
  • Monthly group coaching calls where we can dive into your personal situations 
  • Access to the private Facebook group for like-minded community support  
  • #1 Ages and Stages: immediate access to 12 video trainings. Plus, new trainings added on a bi-monthly basis

  • #2 Guest Expert Speaker Vault: Unlock 12 transformative workshops covering topics such as sleep, independent play, breaking cycles, healing past hurts, attachment play, and more. Plus, new guest speaker workshops added on a bi-monthly basis.

  •  #3 SESSIONS An exclusive collection of ten recorded 1:1 coaching sessions with parents. These sessions cover a diverse range of parenting topics, providing you with valuable insights and practical strategies.

  • Membership will roll over annually so that you can lock in the current rates 
  • The Q&A calls are all recorded and uploaded so that you can watch at a time convenient to you
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"My partner and I weren't exactly on the same page with parenting our two girls, aged 4 & 6. I knew we both wanted the same outcome for our girls but we both didn't have the techniques or skillset in place to help diffuse the meltdowns.
As a result, I would be the one to have to deal with any conflict resolution in our house. I felt responsible for shielding my husband from my kids emotions and shielding my kids from my husbands emotions. As you can imagine this left me feeling heavy and exhausted, and to be honest, resentful.
After taking the LPBL program, that weight has been lifted. The emotional climate of our home and the relationships inside have greatly improved. We are both more open to hearing each other and hearing our children. I highly recommend LPBL to any parent wanting to focus on respectful, gentle parenting!"


Jessica Etchells

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"I was really struggling with my 2 year old daughters BIG feelings. I was always getting triggered by them.


Little People Big Love supported me in becoming a calmer, more peaceful parent. Utilising the tools and strategies enables me to stay centered and focused on being the kind of parent I’ve always wanted to be for my daughter.
I am now able to support my daughter in becoming a resilient child and adult, knowing that it’s ok to have big feelings. My daughter and I are connected on a deeper, more peaceful level now and I am just so grateful for all the time and effort Jocelyn has put into our coaching calls and course content. You will not regret joining and being apart of something so life changing 🥰🥰"


Annmaree Elizabeth

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If we haven't met yet...

I'm Jocelyn Green

Mama to 2 beautiful boys, peaceful parent coach & advocate for nature play.

And I'm dedicated to helping you feel calm, confident and equipped in your parenting so that you can actually enjoy raising your little people.

In 2016, I was running around meeting everyone else's needs except my own! Exhausted - Every. Single. Day.

I'd end up frustrated & resentful, which led me to losing my cool with my toddler - instant regret & guilt.

I'd promise myself things would be different tomorrow... Only to find myself stuck in the Same. Old. Pattern.

I still remember how dam stressful parenting felt.

I felt like I was failing my kids.

Obviously, something had to change. And thankfully, through gentle/respectful/peaceful parenting, I discovered that the change began with me - not my child's behaviour.

So I had to figure out how to take care of my own needs, manage my emotions more effectively, connect with my kids in deeper ways & build cooperation - FAST!

AND after a lot of research study & trial and error, I found a framework that works, and now I want to share it with YOU inside this membership so that you don't have to experience the same headaches that I did!

I'd love to welcome you with open arms. 

Little People Big Love Membership gives you everything you need to ENJOY being a mum NOW...

(aka you don't have to wait for things to magically get better on their own)

...because you'll have an entire on-demand library of evidence-based lessons to refer to when the next parenting challenge hits. This means instead of feeling stressed and overwhelmed you'll feel calm, confident and equipped.

...because you'll have me your peaceful parent coach, quite literally in your back pocket so that you can ask me all of those pressing questions in real-time. This means you'll get consistent and trustworthy advice every time you need it.  



Hear From Our Happy Parents...

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"I wish I found this program earlier in my parenting journey because it has all of the keys to peaceful parenting in one place. I have spent years reading, listening & learning bits and pieces from all over the place but this program saves so much time, energy & confusion."

Rebecca Coaton

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"Thank you so much for this course. I love your work and honestly believe it's life changing. I had learnt some of the skills at your gentle parent playgroup (my life saver) but this course was next level."

Chloe Donaldson

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"I've always struggled with both my daughter's big emotions, behaviours and the demands of work and everyday life. I found it difficult to find life balance and time to nurture their little souls as well as my own which resulted in power struggles and overall tension in the household. Jocelyn's Little People Big Love program has totally shifted the way I parent in ways I didn't know were possible. I have been able to step back assess and implement knowledge and strategies provided in the program all with Jocelyn's support. Her knowledge and willingness to help has been paramount to the success of this program. I highly recommend this program for anyone who seeks peace and connection with the people most important in their lives."

Heather Clarke

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"The work on myself and my inner critic has honestly changed my life for the better! I've tried for years but the way you explained it and the practices just instantly clicked for me. Presence of perfection 🥰 "


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It's time to say goodbye...


to the overwhelm, losing your cool, second guessing yourself & not knowing what to do next...


Because parenting in a way that feels good and is effective is about to become your new norm!


EVEN IF you weren't parented in this way

EVEN IF you find your child's behaviour triggering

EVEN IF parenting has felt hard up to now and you've been yelling, counting to three or using timeouts 

EVEN IF you've avoided setting limits and boundaries in the past 

✔  EVEN IF your partner isn't on the same page and is a little bit skeptical


Jess was struggling with her partner not being on the same page too...hear what she has to say....

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"Jocelyn has helped our family immensely. We have a 2.5 year old son and recently welcomed our baby daughter so there have been some BIG feelings and BIG emotions in our house. It has provided us with insight as to why our son behaves and challenges us in certain ways.  My husband and I now feel more confident in our parenting skills and approach when dealing with our sons BIG emotions."


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"This program has been invaluable! I know I will be using the tools right through their childhood and into the teen years."



Good, because there's something I want you to imagine...

It's 7am You're up and ready to take on the new day, fully equipped for whatever the kids throw at you 🤣

It's nearly lunchtime, and it's time to pack away the toys; Mr 3 starts to whine, and his shoulders drop, BUT you recognise the signs; you implement playful transitions mixed with your clear communication guide and bam, the meltdown is completely avoided, and what's more, Mr 3 happily contributes to packing away  

Mama, this can be you too!

Hundreds of parents have unlocked calm, connection & cooperation with this framework.

And you can too!

To help you seal the deal, check out the frequently asked question below...


Frequently Asked Questions

No questions! I'm ready for this!

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You are so ready to...

Boost listening and cooperation STAT!

 Feel less stressed and stop the daily battles 

 Raise happy kids who grow up to be emotionally stable and resilient

 Say goodbye to the 'mum guilt' once and for all

 Experience more joy & real connection with the little people you love the most

Join the Little People Big Love membership and become the calm, confident parent you always envisioned...


$199 (USUALLY $399)

You'll receive 12 months access to:

  • The complete Little People Big Love program with my three pillar approach: calm, connect & coach. Over 5 hours of video content. Plus workbook and printables.
  • Weekly parenting tips delivered via video in under five minutes 
  • Weekly Facebook support, get your questions answered in real time
  • Monthly group coaching calls where we can dive into your personal situations 
  • Access to the private Facebook group for like-minded community support  
  • #1 Ages and Stages: immediate access to 12 video trainings. Plus, new trainings added on a bi-monthly basis

  • #2 Guest Expert Speaker Vault: Unlock 12 transformative workshops covering topics such as sleep, independent play, breaking cycles, healing past hurts, attachment play, and more. Plus, new guest speaker workshops added on a bi-monthly basis.

  •  #3 SESSIONS An exclusive collection of ten recorded 1:1 coaching sessions with parents. These sessions cover a diverse range of parenting topics, providing you with valuable insights and practical strategies.

  • Membership will roll over annually so that you can lock in the current rates 
  • The Q&A calls are all recorded and uploaded so that you can watch at a time convenient to you


NOW $77 - WILL BE $99

You'll receive 3 months access to:

  • The complete Little People Big Love program with my three pillar approach: calm, connect & coach. Over 5 hours of video content. Plus workbook and printables.
  • Weekly parenting tips delivered via video in under five minutes 
  • Weekly Facebook support, get your questions answered in real time
  • Monthly group coaching calls where we can dive into your personal situations 
  • Access to the private Facebook group for like-minded community support  
  • #1 Ages and Stages: immediate access to 12 video trainings. Plus, new trainings added on a bi-monthly basis

  • #2 Guest Expert Speaker Vault: Unlock 12 transformative workshops covering topics such as sleep, independent play, breaking cycles, healing past hurts, attachment play, and more. Plus, new guest speaker workshops added on a bi-monthly basis.

  •  #3 SESSIONS An exclusive collection of ten recorded 1:1 coaching sessions with parents. These sessions cover a diverse range of parenting topics, providing you with valuable insights and practical strategies.

  • Membership will roll over annually so that you can lock in the current rates 
  • The Q&A calls are all recorded and uploaded so that you can watch at a time convenient to you
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"I found that the group coaching sessions really helpful, they made me feel connected, encouraged and ready to take on a new week. I have a new found confidence in myself and my approach to parenting, well worth the time and money!"

Jessica Higgins

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"I've gone from anxious and not confident handling my toddler whilst pregnant to having enough tools, knowledge & insight to relax and enjoy my pregnancy. As well as being able to get excited about our soon to be born second child"

Tierney Leach